Bar lawyer
Member of the Ordre des Avocats Vaudois (OAV)
Member of the Swiss Bar Association
His chosen fields are land spattial planning law, environmental protection law, nature protection and landscape conservation law, constitutional law, administrative law, lease law, labour law and immigration law.
Good knowledge of institutional actors that has been brought to him by many high level political mandates, completed with a long professional experience in his chosen fields.
Mr Chiffelle has distinguished himself particularly in conducting complex matters regarding spatial planning, nature protection, landscape conservation and environmental law.
Among his recent successes, we can note the numerous victories before the Federal Court regarding disputes concerning secondary residences, as well as the fight for the preservation of nationally important sites or sensitive areas (Lex Weber, Arvel quarry, PPA “Le Rivage” in Vevey etc.)
Mr Chiffelle has occupied diverse political functions in parallel with his lawyer’s profession. He has been a Deputy at the Vaud Grand Council from 1992 to 1995, member of the Executive of Vevey from 1993 to 2001 and member of the swiss Parliament from 1995 to 2002. From 2002 to 2005, he put hiw lawyer’s career in brackets to get member of the governement in the canton of Vaud, in charge of the Department of institutions and foreign relations. From 1992 to 1995, he was president of the ASLOCA-Vaud.
Since the 1st of January 2012, he is also Council President of the GRAAP foundation (Groupe Romand d’Accueil et d’Action Psychiatrique)
After a Latin-Engligh maturity (Swiss high school diploma) in 1975, he achieved a law degree at the University of Lausanne in 1980. He was then jurist at the Federal Office of Justice and court clerk at the Federal Court, to then undertake a lawyer’s internship, leading to his lawyer’s licence in November 1985. He was called to the Bar in Vaud Canton from 1986 to 2002 and is there again since 2005.
Of French mother tongue, he also fluently speaks German and English at ease. He also has good knowledge of Croatian and Italian.